Why is dui such a big deal?

Driving under the influence of alcohol is potentially very dangerous. Alcohol in sufficiently large quantities affects reaction time, depth perception, peripheral vision, recovery from glare and judgment, all of which are important for safe driving.

Why is dui such a big deal?

Driving under the influence of alcohol is potentially very dangerous. Alcohol in sufficiently large quantities affects reaction time, depth perception, peripheral vision, recovery from glare and judgment, all of which are important for safe driving. It's important, but not important enough. Large fines and fees (thousands of dollars) and insurance surcharges are quite universal, first-time offenders may not see jail at all or may see a small amount depending on the state, later offenders are likely to see a moderate amount of jail time.

It may surprise you to hear this, but many schools refuse to admit students who have a previous DUI conviction. This may even result in the revocation of your scholarship. Many universities will check the background of prospective students and, since a DUI is considered criminal history, it will appear. You might think it's not a big deal to have a DUI if no one was injured or killed, but you're wrong.

They are always important and can affect your future and your dreams. Not only will it be more difficult to find a job in the future because many employers conduct background checks before hiring employees, but you won't be able to get employment in certain careers if you have a DUI. You can't just pack up and go to certain countries if you've been caught driving under the influence of alcohol; in fact, if your criminal record shows up, you could be denied entry to these countries for DUI on your criminal record. After-work happy hour, Sunday's soccer party at a friend's house, or your cousin's wedding can end with a DUI if you're not careful.

And that doesn't even cover the impact that a DUI conviction can have on your life outside of driving. Therefore, it is important that before you plead guilty to a DUI charge, you consider all the possible consequences that could apply to you if convicted. In 42 states and the District of Columbia, your license will be suspended the first time you receive a DUI. This is crucial to getting professional assistance and possibly even reducing your jail time or charges based on your DUI case.

In California, for example, a DUI stays on your DMV record for 10 years before it automatically disappears. Most DUI defendants haven't been in an accident, but their decision to drink and drive can turn their lives upside down. But hiring an experienced and experienced DUI lawyer in Washington to represent you can help you avoid a conviction and the resulting consequences you'll face. If you add up all the different costs of lives lost, property damage, medical expenses, funeral arrangements, loss of income, court costs, and all the other consequences, DUI accidents and associated damages cost the U.

Lastly, an experienced DUI lawyer will likely have worked with many of the different judges and prosecutors that you can face. A DUI is one of the worst things you can have on your driving record, and it's guaranteed to increase your car insurance premiums, according to the Insurance Information Institute. All states allow a DUI arrest if you have a blood alcohol level of 0.08, but people can experience very different levels of deterioration at this blood alcohol level.

Robert Hall
Robert Hall

Professional internet fan. Hipster-friendly internet evangelist. Beer ninja. General twitter expert. Friendly music scholar. Avid travel ninja.

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